Barcoo Give Local
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Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic Ku-ung-ka-ri, Koon-kerri, Koon gerri, Kung-gari, Kung-eri,Description The traditional tribal lands of the Kunggari occupied 14,000 square miles (36,000 km2) with extensive stretches of open grasslands. They lived around the eastern bank of the Thomson[2] and also on Cooper (Barcoo) rivers. Their western extensions ran to Jundah. The northern boundary lay at Westland and in the vicinity of Longreach. Towards the east, they took in Avington, Blackall, and Terrick Terrick. Their southern frontier ran from the western flank of the Grey Range through to Cheviot Range, Powell Creek, and Welford. On Thomson and Cooper (Barcoo) rivers west to Jundah; north to Westland and near Longreach; east to Avington, Blackall, and Terrick Terrick; south on the western flank of the Grey Range to Cheviot Range, Powell Creek, and Welford. There are large areas of open grass country. Not to be confused with the Kunggari of the upper Nebine Creek. They did not practice circumcision. There were at least five hordes with names terminating in [-bara] and [-mari], meaning men. The men of Jundah area today prefer the pronunciation ['Ku:ngka'ri], others use the accepted version; other valid variations are ['Kunghari] and ['Ku:ngka:i].