Kingborough Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Kingborough area.
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Community Diary
Community Info

Traditional Owner Groups
Phonetic Mu-wini-na (Mou-heneen-ner)Description In the early 1800s the Kingborough area was the homeland of the Mouheneenner people who belonged to the South East Tribe. Despite more than 35,000 years of Aboriginal presence on this landscape, their footsteps have been light.
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Adventure Bay
- Allens Rivulet
- Alonnah
- Apollo Bay
- Barnes Bay
- Barretta
- Birchs Bay
- Blackmans Bay
- Bonnet Hill
- Coningham
- Dennes Point
- Electrona
- Flowerpot
- Gordon
- Great Bay
- Howden
- Huntingfield
- Kaoota
- Kettering
- Killora
- Kingston
- Kingston Beach
- Leslie Vale
- Longley
- Lower Longley
- Lower Snug
- Lunawanna
- Margate
- Middleton
- Neika
- North Bruny
- Oyster Cove
- Sandfly
- Simpsons Bay
- Snug
- South Bruny
- Taroona
- Tinderbox
- Woodbridge