Launceston Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Launceston area.
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Community Diretory
Community Diary
Community Info

Traditional Owner Groups
Stoney Creek Nation
Phonetic Stoney Creek NationDescription The Stoney Creek Nation clans lived along the riverways in harmony with the seasons for several thousand generations, and today they are remembered as the traditional owners of this land.
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Bangor
- Burns Creek
- Dilston
- East Launceston
- Invermay
- Karoola
- Kings Meadows
- Lalla
- Launceston
- Lebrina
- Lilydale
- Lower Turners Marsh
- Mayfield
- Mowbray
- Myrtle Bank
- Newnham
- Newstead
- North Lilydale
- Norwood
- Nunamara
- Patersonia
- Prospect
- Punchbowl
- Ravenswood
- Relbia
- Retreat
- Rocherlea
- South Launceston
- St Leonards
- Summerhill
- Swan Bay
- Targa
- Tayene
- Trevallyn
- Tunnel
- Turners Marsh
- Underwood
- Upper Blessington
- Waverley
- West Launceston
- White Hills
- Windermere
- Youngtown