Moorabool Give Local
The Give Local provides up-to-date information for community organisations who provide services in the Moorabool area.
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Community Info

Traditional Owner Groups
Wadawurrung People
Phonetic WadawurrungDescription Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation is the representative body for Wadawurrung Traditional Owners. The Corporation works to support their aspirations and protect Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in accordance with the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. Wadawurrung’s area covers over 10,000 square kilometres on the western side Melbourne and including the major regional cities of Geelong and Ballarat. The Wadawurrung are the seven family groups who are the sole descendants of John Robinson, our apical ancestor.Website (03) 5222 5889Email -
Wurundjeri People
Phonetic w-rund-jur-ryDescription The Wurundjeri People take their name from the Woiwurrung language word ‘wurun’ meaning the Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) which is common along ‘Birrarung’ (Yarra River), and ‘djeri‘, the grub which is found in or near the tree. Wurundjeri are the ‘Witchetty Grub People’ and our Ancestors have lived on this land for millennia. The Wurundjeri People are represented by the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation.Website (03) 9416 2905Email -
Dja Dja Wurrung Peoples
Phonetic Dja Dja WurrungDescription The Dja Dja Wurrung Peoples are a Traditional Owner Group entity that has fought to be recognised as the Traditional Owners of djandak, in Central Victoria. Through self-determination, Dja Dja Wurrung People achieved Registered Aboriginal Party status, and signed our Recognition and Settlement Agreement with the State Government on the 28 March 2013.Website (03) 5444 2888Email
Our Neighbouring Councils
Our Localities
- Bacchus Marsh
- Ballan
- Balliang East
- Barkstead
- Barrys Reef
- Beremboke
- Blackwood
- Blakeville
- Bolwarrah
- Bullarook
- Bullarto South
- Bunding
- Bungal
- Bungaree
- Cargerie
- Clarendon
- Claretown
- Clarkes Hill
- Coimadai
- Colbrook
- Dales Creek
- Darley
- Dunnstown
- Elaine
- Fiskville
- Glenmore
- Gordon
- Greendale
- Hopetoun Park
- Ingliston
- Korobeit
- Korweinguboora
- Lal Lal
- Leigh Creek
- Lerderderg
- Long Forest
- Maddingley
- Merrimu
- Millbrook
- Morrisons
- Mount Doran
- Mount Egerton
- Mount Wallace
- Myrniong
- Navigators
- North Blackwood
- Paradise
- Parwan
- Pentland Hills
- Pootilla
- Rowsley
- Spargo Creek
- Springbank
- Wallace
- Yendon